• Buying Bulls

    Mill Meadow Livestock has a selection of breeding bulls available. We have sires on farm with performance indexes which rank them as some of the very best bulls in the UK, these are a great investment in really dramatically driving herd performance forwards. However, if your budget for buying bulls is at the modest end of the scale, then we can find functional effective sires for your needs too. Discount is available on bulk buys, and we are happy to discuss terms and arrangements to build long term ongoing business.

  • Buying Cows

    Many people prefer to buy cows as a way of getting into the Stabiliser breed. The sale of cows means that we can bring more of our very best heifers into the herd. All our animals come vacinnated and are blood tested annually. They can be available in calf or with a calf at foot.

  • Buying Heifers

    Mill Meadow Livestock can provide elite heifers, bulling or in calf to some high index bulls, these would be a great foundation to a herd.

  • Stabiliser Cattle Company

    Mill Meadow Livestock are multiplier breeders for the Stabiliser Cattle Company. Ursula Taylor (07790 018637) is the Sales Manager for The Stabiliser Cattle Company. Invoicing is via the Stabiliser Cattle Company, and trade is conducted according to set terms and conditions designed to ensure the buyer’s investment meets their expectations.

    T&Cs for Bulls

    T&Cs for Heifers

  • Premium Cattle Health Scheme

    Mill Meadow Cattle have been accredited by the Premium Cattle Health Scheme since 2016. We hold accreditation for BVD, Johnes and Neospora.

  • Mill Meadow Livestock

    A Stabiliser bull, cow or heifer from a multiplier breeder such as Mill Meadow Livestock, comes with a lot of data to describe its performance characteristics. This comes from careful, diligent and longstanding, measuring and recording, it ensures that you get a good investment. Mill Meadow Livestock are always happy to give a tour of the cattle. We are twenty five minutes North of Norwich.